
Organic Lawn Care

Grass | Goodwin Landscape Naples, Florida
I have been getting lots of calls about Organic fertilizing and natural ways to get rid of pest and weeds.  I have been using organic fertilizer on request for about 2 years now and  it is awesome.  It is a lot different than synthetic fertilizer. The green up that I get is great and it promotes good root growth.  The length of the fertilizer lasted about 2 1/2 months.  I highly recommend putting  Organic fertilizer in your fertilizer program.   Weeds and pests are a whole new ball game and there really isn’t anything that great on getting rid of them organically.  I have used baking soda a couple of times and it works but it also can burn your grass so you got to be careful.  As long as you fertilize good and water right  I personally think that is the best solution to get rid of disease and pests naturally.

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